Execution: Switching your large company to Ecosia

How it works for companies with centralized IT

Make Ecosia the default search engine at your large company in 5 easy steps

For companies with networked managed computers, it's easy for IT admins to set Ecosia as the standard search engine in just a few clicks.

As a reward for using Ecosia, you'll receive a free tree report that measures your company’s monthly searches and its positive environmental impact.

Follow these 5 steps and boost your company's green credentials with Ecosia.

Starting Point

Switch your company to Ecosia in 5 easy steps

Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Name=Impact report
End Point

Get a free tree report for your company

youve taken the first step

Step 1

You’ve taken the first step!

You've found this page and you're exploring how Ecosia can benefit your company. That's the first step completed - congratulations! 

Contact us now to discuss your specific needs and learn how other large organizations have successfully transitioned to Ecosia. We're here to support you every step of the way.

Step 2

Present Ecosia to your colleagues

Switching to Ecosia is technically easy and free of charge, you just need to get the right people on board. The resources available through our downloads page can help inform your managers, IT department and sustainability team about the benefits of using Ecosia.

If you’d like one of the Ecosia team to present to your colleagues, let us know and we’ll be happy to join a call.

Everybody on board? Great, now onto the next step!

Privacy and data security

Step 3

Your IT checks on data privacy

Like any new software, Ecosia will need to be reviewed by your company’s data security team. Submit a request and ask them to review our privacy policyterms of service & data diagram. 

We are a privacy-friendly search engine. We do not sell data to advertisers and permanently anonymize the minimal data that we process. 

If specific questions come up, our team is on hand to help.

Step 4

Share our technical guides with your central IT team

From an IT perspective, switching to Ecosia is incredibly easy. Your IT team can use existing tools such as Microsoft Intune to set Ecosia as the standard search engine in Edge and Chrome on employee devices*.

Ask your IT team to first review our technical guides and then offer to set up a meeting together with Ecosia.

To receive your monthly tree-report and measure your impact with Ecosia, you or your IT team will need to get in touch so we can create a unique identifier for your organization. Learn more about this via the following link: How to measure your company’s impact

pilot and launch Ecosia

Step 5

Pilot & launch

You don’t need to make the switch to Ecosia company-wide overnight. Large companies usually start by running a pilot.

Your IT has the option to define a small pilot group, department or region to begin with. If the pilot is received well by employees, IT can expand Ecosia to further devices in just a few more clicks.

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Reward: Get your free tree report

Congratulations – You’ve done it: Your organization is now searching on Ecosia and helping to reforest the planet.

As a reward, you'll receive our free tree-report so you can watch your impact grow!

Download our go-live communication asset and engage each of your employees in climate action everyday.

Make your company stand out

Make your company stand out

By switching to Ecosia you can demonstrate your commitment to environmental responsibility. Share the exciting news with your network and encourage even more companies to take climate action.

  • Share images on your own Social Media channels
  • Send us images of your team using Ecosia and get tagged by the official Ecosia account on LinkedIn

Switch your company to Ecosia

Get in touch and we'll be on hand to support


Still have any questions?

How does switching to Ecosia work for a company?

First, book a demo with our team by completing the contact form above. We’ll explain the next steps including running a pilot and measuring your impact. It’s a simple switch and we can share best practices to find the right approach for your company.

How many searches does it take to plant a tree?

The amount of searches it takes to plant a tree varies depending on when you search, where you search from, and what you search for. We calculate that it can take approximately 50 searches to plant a tree. 

Where will we help plant trees?

Across Ecosia’s diverse portfolio of projects. We’re currently working with over 70 tree-planting partners in more than 35 countries around the world. Primarily focusing on the planet’s biodiversity hotspots and areas facing deforestation.

Because the tree-planting season varies from project to project, keep an eye on our financial reports to see exactly when and where you help plant trees by using Ecosia.

Can we choose where we plant trees?

Planting the right trees in the right place is a complex task, but we're the experts with more than 13+ years experience. By using Ecosia you are supporting our portfolio of projects, rather than just a certain project in a defined place. This means you can have an even greater impact on global reforestation, without the risk, or the stress.

With that said, if you are a large organization searching with us, let’s talk!

Do we plant trees if we don’t click on ads?

Like other search engines, we make money when people click on the ads shown in our search results. We earn a few cents from advertisers for every ad click and dedicate 100% of our profits towards climate action. 

Don’t be concerned if you rarely click on ads, simply by using Ecosia your business will help increase the size of our user base which makes us more attractive to advertisers in the long-run!

How does Ecosia compare to other search engines?

Ecosia is the world's largest not-for-profit search engine and the largest search engine to originate from Europe. We provide industry standard search results together with our partners Google and Bing. But compared to other search engines we use our profits very differently and reinvest 100% of them into climate action, primarily into tree-planting projects around the world.

How easy is it to implement?

Super easy, IT can use existing tools to deploy Ecosia in a browser such as Edge or Chrome. No browser extensions need to be installed. All that it takes to start planting trees today is a small policy change.

What can we expect?

You’ll have an account manager from Ecosia to support you during your pilot and to ensure your Ecosia project is a success. We’re on hand to help measure your impact with us and keep employees informed and engaged. 

Can we offset our emissions by using Ecosia?

No, Ecosia does not offer a carbon offsetting service.
But instead of thinking only about your carbon footprint, consider the environmental hand print you can make by directly contributing to planting trees across the planet's biodiversity hotspots and beyond!

What if our company has fewer than 1,000 employees?

We unfortunately can’t yet measure the impact of companies under 1,000 employees, but you can still share Ecosia with your colleagues and make an impact. Please visit our Help Center for more information